MY Jobs

1) Owner/Operator of Mighty Mower
Mighty Mower is lawn care business serving the St.Lawrence area. Mighty Mower was nominated for the Excellence in Financial Management award in 2010 and the Excellence in Customer Service in 2011. Mighty Mower was given the Venture of the Year award for our region in 2011.

2) Youth Field Worker at St.Lawrence Community Youth Network
I get to supervise the youth that visit the Community Youth Network building. This job also requires me to help plan events and fun activities for youth.

3) Groundkeeper at St.Thomas Aquinas Parish
I took care of a large amount of land around the church, parish office and parish hall for the summer of 2012.

4) Tutor for Tuition
I have been tutoring children for two years and enjoy helping those children succeed in their studies.

5) Some Odd Jobs
I have been Newspaper carrier with the Southern Gazette (Age 12) and Landscaping/Painting for cabins.