Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Youth Representation on Municipal Councils

Recently, I have come up with a proposal for Municipal Councils. Right now, youth are the only age group which does not have the opportunity to voice their opinion for decisions in their communities. Young adults, middle aged adults and seniors all have the opportunity to be elected on council, youth does not. In my opinion, youth are a huge part of a community and are the leaders of the future. Adults cannot think for youth and the best way to make decisions that could affect youth , let the youth have their say.

My Proposal:
- Hold separate vote to elect Youth Representative. (Allow youth to vote for only Youth Representative)
- Any youth ages 16-18 are eligible to become a candidate.
- Youth Representative elected must attend Council meetings for a two year term.
- Youth Representative elected must have equal power and be counted in a vote.

This could be great leadership opportunity for youth and great to engage in Politics.

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